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Upcoming events and news
Cooking on a budget – week 4
Here we are - week 4 of our 8-week Cooking on a Budget course. This week we went Vegetarian Chilli. This course is full of fun, cooking and tips on how to work within a budget. The course is currently full but if you are a woman living in the Bournemouth,...
Crafty Diggers Continues to Thrive
Our Craft and Gardening Group continues to go from strength to strength. The allotment is now being winterised and the craft group are now looking at making jewlery and cards to sell at our Christmas Fayre. If you are a woman and would like to get involved in this...
Building Mental Health Resilience
Grant Received from Postcode Local Trust
The Water Lily Project is really pleased to have been selected to receive a grant from the Postcode Local Trust which will help us continue to provide free 1:1 Support to our Beneficiaries. 87% of our Beneficiaries report that they are grappling with mental health...
Proudly Funded By
Proudly supported in part with funding from Postcode Lottery Trust
“Postcode Lottery Trust is a grant-giving charity funded entirely by the players of the Peoples Postcode Lottery”
For more information
Also, Proudly Supported and Funded by Peoples Health Trust, The Health Lottery.