Need Support? Call 01202 246763 (regularly monitored answerphone)

How we can help you

We care about the future, Your Future.

The Water Lily Project will support you in, and through times of crisis. These may be temporary crises such as an acrimonious divorce, bereavement, illness etc. Or it could be something more long-term such as escaping domestic violence and abuse, mental health issues, self-harming, addiction or financial difficulties. 

We provide face-to-face support however if you feel nervous about coming out we are able to support you by phone and online platforms.

If you are struggling and need support then please send us an email 

Current services:

  • FREE 1:1 (up to 12 hrs in a year) support with a trained support worker – 12 month program where we get alongside each beneficiary and use Individual Support Plans to help you get through whatever you’re going through. Sessions last from 30-45 minutes.
  • We signpost to various organisations/counsellors to support any specific needs you may have
  • We may provide training on-site in our training room, cafe or IT room to help you get your life back on track.  This may include self development, mental health resilience training or something more practical like helping you write your CV,  help using IT or even Food/Hygiene certificate etc.
  • We provide a befriending service where a trained befriender will get alongside our women to provide a listening ear and or help with practical issues, such as supporting our beneficiaries to court, taking them to the Foodbank etc.
  • Thursday sessions for craft/chat
  • Monthly Book Club 

We offer FREE enrolment for any projects/training that we are currently running e.g. Craft courses, Sewing courses, Art therapy, etc.

Alternatively, you can fill out the referral form by clicking GET IN TOUCH 

The Water Lily Project does not have an out of hours’ service, so you may benefit from having these numbers in times of crisis or for your records:

MH Crisis Team (Connections)        0300 1235440 

Christchurch CMHT                          01202 858100

Samaritans                                       116 123

Out of Hours Social Care                  0300 123 9895 for Adults   
Out of Hours Social Care                  01202 738 256 for Children

Report Abuse 
(Bournemouth and Christchurch)      01202 454979 
Report Abuse                                       01202 633902

If you need help with food or essential items, please call: 0300 1237052

Other Useful Numbers:

Addaction Bournemouth                01202 58855

Adult Learning Courses                 01202 262300

BCP Housing                                   01202 451451

Bereavement Advice Helpline       0800 634 9494

Bournemouth A&E                         01202 303626

Bournemouth Refuge                    01202 545577

Poole Refuge                                  01202 710777

Child Line                                       0800 1111

Christchurch Council                    01202 49500

Christchurch Food Bank               07587 371088

Christchurch Housing                   01202 483243

Citizens Advice Bureau                01202 290967

Community Support –
advice and support for DVA         
01202 547755

Dorset Police                                 01202 222222 or 101

Drug & Providence Service          0800 9550945 (Boscombe 24 hours)

ESA – Job Centre Plus                  0800 169 0310

MASH (safeguarding children)      01202 735046

National Domestic Violence           0808 2000247

National Stalking Helpline              0808 8020300

Non-Emergency Health Enquiries  111

Probation                                          01202 228048

REACH Drug and Alcohol               01202 482908 

Universal Credit helpline                 0800 3285644

DIAL 999
Only when:
Life is in danger or there is a risk of an injury
An offender is still at the scene or has just left
A crime is in progress
For a list of local support and advice, please go to:

clasped hands support
Offering Support

Pay It Forward

Just £12 will pay for a woman in need to receive 1:1 support.

Every act of kindness helps…


donate now paypal button

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

If you would like to find out more about The Waterlily Project and/or get involved, please contact us and we will be happy to chat at any time.

131 Barrack Rd, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 2AW

Call Us: 01202 246763 or 07507 890116 (Support Worker)